
Pollution Prevention

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  • We have been entrusted with caring for this beautiful place, so we are asking that every attendee treat it with the utmost respect by LEAVING NO TRACE.

    Here’s how you can help:

    Never EVER litter

    • Nothing that you either bring or buy should ever be left on the ground, especially drink containers and cigarettes.
    • Encourage anyone you see littering to do their part in leaving no trace.

    ALWAYS respect natural elements

    • Do not etch, climb or hang from any trees.
    • Do not walk on or pull out any vegetation.
    • Do not interact with wildlife. Maintain a safe distance at all times.

    Dispose of waste properly

    • When at a waste collection point, carefully read recycling and composting instructions and sort all waste into appropriate containers.

    Keep your group’s areas clean

    • If a waste collection point is not immediately nearby, keep your waste together and take it with you when you leave.
    • Before heading to a waste collection point, check your space to make sure no small debris (ex: cigarettes) are present.
    • Even if litter is not yours, it should not be on the grounds. Please collect and dispose of any trash you find out of place. We may just make you a Mission: Home Hero!

    Respect all protective barriers and fencing

    • Barriers and fencing are implemented to keep both you and the environment safe. Never climb, breach or move barriers.

    View What We’re Doing